

Catalysing understanding of how bio-innovation trajectories may disrupt industry, society, and environment, our BIOfictions service is designed to help your business imagine ways in which both your sector and the world at large may respond to emerging, anticipated, and possible futures.

Working with media including print, digital, mixed and hybrid publishing, film, audio, and installation, we explore imagined biofutures through speculative fiction read, heard, seen, and otherwise sensed and experienced.

Our services include authoring fictions, scenarios, scripts, and other content formats in flash, short, and feature-length, working both independently and collaboratively, and remotely and in-house.

Informed by state-of-the-knowledge understanding of issues scientific, technical, and commercial, our BIOfictions draw on the language, tools, and methods of the written, visual, audio, and performance arts.

  • BIOnarratives

    Helping your business to imagine possible biofutures of the near and far future through storytelling in formats both short and long, using media printed, digitised, physical, virtual, and hybrid.

    • micro, flash, and short fictions

    • printed, recorded, filmed

    • written and spoken

  • BIOvisualisations

    Helping your business to see possible biofutures of the near and far future through visualisations in formats static and moving, 2D, 3D, and 4D, using media traditional, new, and experimental.

    • storyboards and sketches

    • illustration and animation

    • short and feature film

  • BIOmaginariums

    Helping your business to experience possible biofutures of the near and far future through physical, virtual, and hybrid experiments, interactive events and other learning activities.

    • installations and exhibitions

    • pop-up laboratories

    • workshops