BIOfutures Series I

The inaugural BIOfutures series aired earlier this year and explored biomaterials, biodesign, and biotechnology for the built environment.

Hosted by our founder Melissa Sterry, BIOfutures series featured seminal figures in the field including interdisciplinary bioartist Audrey Rangel Aguirre; bioMatters cofounder Nancy Diniz; Full Grown cofounders Alice and Gavin Munro; Biohm director of design, Oksana Bondar; founder of Urban Fungarium, Rachel Horton-Kitchlew; Royal College of Art senior tutor and designer Dr. Carolina Ramirez-Figueroa; founder of Grant Associates, Andrew Grant; pioneer of living architecture and Professor of KU Leuven, Professor Rachel Armstrong; associate professor at The Bartlett, UCL, Richard Beckett; cofounder of ecoLogicstudio and professor and head of institute at the Institute of Urban Design at University of Innsbruck; and head of design innovation at ITMOTECH and researcher associate at the Synthetic Landscape Lab at the University of Innsbruck, Maria Kuptsova.

Now archived on YouTube, you can watch the conversations here.


Design Council